Monday, April 23, 2012

Until the fall...

Not news: The Canucks lost last night, ending their playoff run.

Maybe I'm a bad fan, I don't know, but I'm kind of looking forward to not spending my evenings watching hockey...don't get me wrong, I'd be cheering as loudly as possible if they were still playing, but there is so much to look forward to with no more hockey, like more evenings at the park and less "Luongo is evil" chatter.

My kid on the other hand cried twice last night when we explained that hockey was done until the fall. The first time she stopped pretty quickly when we said it would mean lots of park time. The second time she sobbed for a long time. She would miss her Chris Higgins and her Ryan Kesler. And maybe even Robert Luongo. We explained that the hockey players' kids would be happy because they'd get to see more of their dads at night and because she understands that very well, she decided it was okay. But only if they come back in the fall.

Who knows what the team will look like when the new season starts...I do feel badly for Roberto Luongo. Sure he's had some spectacularly bad nights in goal, but more often than not he has spectacular nights in goal - just look at his record. I'm pretty sure he had substantially more wins than losses this season. And he played well in Games 1 and can't expect the goalie to stop the other team AND score...

Anyway, hockey, have a good summer. We'll see you in October.


  1. First of all, she can keep her Kesler as long as I get Bieksa. That man makes me laugh so hard I snort. I want to have him over for beers and just let him go.

    Second, I mentally prepared for a first round bow-out when Kings went up 3-0 in the series so I'm sad but I was ready for it. Also, they never really gained the momentum they had last year (they only ended 1st because other teams lost) so I wasn't expecting them to be in it for the long haul. (Not to imply that I expected a first round elimination!)

    Thirdly, with weather like this, I think I'll live with hockey ending in April.

  2. Did you hear the Bieksa impersonating Kesler interview? That will make you snort...

  3. Oh, and I would argue that Canucks fans might still be feeling playoff fatigue from 2011 (possibly the Canucks too...) ... but spring without hockey, I'm kind of okay with that this year

  4. That interview was awesome. He turned Kesler into the biggest douche and it was hilarious!

  5. I can't wait to see what kind of payback Kesler comes up could be interesting!
