Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Winter left

Yup it did...and in its place came summer and heat and humidity and fans and lots of water. I'm not complaining. So far it's been tolerable...I've almost doubled my water consumption, hardly eaten anything that's not really just water in disguise (ahem, jello, popsicles, melons, etc), and taken full advantage of the Hawaii dresses that came my way when my Mom and Dad went on their little spring holiday this year. I've taken way more showers every day than I ever thought I would...but it's okay. As long as I keep the fluid coming and my feet up, both of us (me and the cub) are happy and good! And yes, jello is a food group. A very yummy one. Especially if you add canned fruit to it. Yummy. And yes, the baby is getting enough to eat...I've got lots of fuel in reserve ;)

Okay, going home now to soak my feet and take (yet another) shower!

Happy summer everyone!

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