Friday, February 10, 2012

The half-way point: 101 in 1001

Time for a 101 in 1001 update...I figured I'd write this post back at day 501, also known as January 28, 2012, but somehow that didn't happen.

Today is day 513. Not too far off.

At this point I've managed to complete 41 of my 101 things and there are 22 (I think) in progress. Which is pretty good I think. Some of the in progress items are big and some are almost complete, so I think I might be on track to get to 101. It might be close though. Thankfully I have over a year, so even some of the tough ones should be within reach.

I am a bit surprised that I have made over 50 new recipes already - some have made it into regular rotation and some will never be consumed at our house again. It was choosing recipes and I am still trying new stuff all the time - I may or may not blog about them, we'll see.

Our home is more home-like than it was 513 days ago. I've crossed off a few things and have made a lot of progress on others. There is a pretty good chance we'll be moving before all of the 1001 days have passed, so some of those goals might have to change. Like, if we do sell before we get a back splash installed in the kitchen, that goal will have to change. I can't imagine the new owners will want me to randomly show up and put tile up in their kitchen so I can cross something off a list on my blog. But you never know...

I'm enjoying this challenge immensely! It was a great way to motivate myself to do some of those things I've been putting off for a while and pushing myself a little harder...

Not sure if any of you are still out there, but if you are and you're doing a 101 in 1001 list, how is your list going?

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