Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas to All...

Well...the countdown has switched from days to hours...

I have finished my shopping (with a lot of help from my sisters, my Mom, Alex's Mom, Alex and the internet). Alex has finished his shopping. We've wrapped our I just get to wait...and stay out of the way of everyone else. Me and my walker, we take up an awful lot of space and get in the way without meaning to more often than not.

Alex and I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and send our best wishes for a happy and healthy new year to everyone. We're celebrating many things this Christmas: besides our engagement, we're celebrating both our marvellous families who have been so supportive this year, but especially in the last month. We're celebrating Alex's Mom's recovery and the continued improvement in her health. We're celebrating the wonderful friends we have with whom we have shared some happy times this year and who have shared our joys with us and so generously offered to help us out when things didn't go exactly as we hoped, particularly in the last few weeks. We figure we're pretty lucky to have such great people surrounding us.

May your holidays be warm and cozy with an abundance of love, laughter and good company!


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