Monday, December 03, 2012

Skipping school

Today the advent calendar told J that she got to stay home from school (aka daycare) and that we were all going to go to the Vancouver Christmas Market to ride the carousel. J is not a fan of skipping school. She complains endlessly that she misses her friends and usually when we finish whatever it was that kept her home, she immediately starts demanding we take her to her daycare for the rest of the day. Today, no complaints! (Alex and I both had the day off work)

So, off we went to the Vancouver Christmas Market. This is the third year for the market, but we've never been before.

vancouver christmas market

We had planned all along to go for a ride on the carousel - that was the main draw for us. Yesterday at the Santa Claus Parade, J got a ticket for the carousel, so it worked out perfectly!

waiting their turn
J and Alex waited by the entrance to the carousel for their turn.

Looks like they're having a great time.

Hi Mom! (Not sure who Alex is looking at...)

bye mom
Bye Mom!

I didn't go on the carousel with them - I was a bit surprised at how fast it was (J and Alex were fine) and my stomach has been a bit queasy, so I was the official photographer. Because we chose a Monday morning to go, there were very people at the market and only one other child on the carousel when J went.

decoration quality control

After the carousel ride, we did a little exploring - J was fascinated by the fountain tree and its decorations.

market stalls
Empty on a Monday morning

santa and the honey bee
Alex and J as Santa and the Honeybee

kiddie bratwurst

And then, because carousel riding and window stall shopping and decoration inspecting are such hard work, it was time for a little snack. J wanted a sausage - it was super tasty.


Alex and I shared spaetzle with cheese and ham. was soooo good! I was always excited when there was spaetzle for dinner when I was in Switzerland. Occasionally when I worked in the private sector, we would have birthday lunches at The William Tell restaurant (it has since and, no matter what I ordered, I'd make sure there was spaetzle to go with it! I haven't seen it too often in Vancouver...I should probably learn how to make it, because I love it! Alex thought it was delicious too.

sleigh rider

Just before we left, J discovered this sleigh. She wanted her picture taken, but she wasn't thrilled that the seat was damp...

Apparently J loved the carousel and her sausage, but she is still insisting that she shouldn't have had a home day...I'm sure that when she's actually in school, that will change (and likely we won't be keeping her home from school to go the Christmas market!).


  1. We're really glad to see that you and your family had a wonderful time at the market. Mondays are generally a lot quieter that's for sure. Sorry that the sleigh ride seat ended up being damp. I'll bring that up with the VCM and see if there's a way we can make sure it stays nice and dry for next year. Hope to see you next year, and happy holidays!

    1. Thanks for commenting! We chose Monday morning because we were pretty sure it would be quieter and some of us (that would be mostly me) are not so great with crowds. We weren't concerned about the seat - it is Vancouver in December after all!
