Friday, August 21, 2009

Attempt #1 - Simulation of re-entry into real world - FAIL

Well, I'm back after what appears to be a 2+ month gap.

But it's not.

I was just away. And away in places where computers/internet were not always reliable or easily accessible or available when I was to use them. Instead I "blogged" with a pen and paper and now I just need to type and upload those posts...

So...I will be updating and back dating the few months over the next couple of weeks. And it will likely jump all over the place.

Anyway, on to the failed attempt. Our young lady turned one this week which means on Monday I will be heading back to work. I had thought I'd have almost three weeks to (re)orient myself to the joys of waking up to an alarm clock, not a baby and get both of us into a routine that would allow for me to get showered, dressed and hair done before J got out of bed...yeah right. The universe aligned itself against me...for days.

So today was to be day #1 of the simulation. I was going to set my alarm for 6:30, get up shower, dry my hair and get dressed, all before waking J around 7:00. Because for the last little while, not only has she either been sleeping through the night (or waking only once), she has also been sleeping in until 8:00!

But I forgot to factor in the twelve month vaccinations she had yesterday. And Alex's morning shift this week. So, Alex was up at 3:15 to leave the house before 4:30 and J woke up, oh, a bunch of times. The last time at 5:25. And after a series of attempts at getting her to go back to bed, we were both up for the day at 5:55. She did fall asleep, but then a very loud motorcycle gunned it right outside her windows and that was the end of that.

So, here we are. 10:00 and I've just managed to get a shower and get dressed.

Tomorrow - attempt #2. Yes, I know it's Saturday tomorrow.

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