Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Jumping in with both feet

This post was originally published at Get Fit Chicks. It may refer to posts on Get Fit Chicks that no longer exist. Please email me if you run into any of those and I will break the links. More information about the reposting is available here

So, even though I was utterly exhausted again yesterday, my day planner said I should be at the pool at 11:30, so at 11:15 I unhappily dragged myself across campus to get wet. Yuck. The entire walk I was thinking that I really wanted to be dry and not wet.

I needed a new swim cap and I thought about just ditching the whole swim because I needed a swim cap and didn’t really want to walk the extra (200 m) distance to the bookstore. But it was in my day planner. So I went. And I muttered to myself about how much I hate swimming. And didn’t want to get wet. And would rather be sitting, dry and warm, at my desk.

And then the girl at the front desk at the pool was super friendly. And off I went to swim.

And you know what? My body? It was not happy with me from the moment my big toe touched that water. And you know what it was yelling at me? It was actually cursing me. Cursing me because I haven’t been in the pool since I was 8.5 months pregnant.

And I had a great, albeit short, swim. And I went for a bit of a detour walk before I got back to my desk. Which means I did an extra 2.8 km yesterday, more than my goal! And even though I had next to no sleep the night before, I felt SUPER all afternoon.

And today, today I knew I’d had a swim, but I wasn’t regretting it.

So tomorrow, at 11:15 I’m off to the pool again. And it’s in my day planner and now on the blog, so, well, there’s no room for excuses!

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