Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Little Fish

2. Enroll J in swimming lessons before she turns 3

Break time! There’s lots to do in our apartment, but I need a break. Baby C has been learning to take a bottle and that has been a time consuming endeavour. It’s still early, but I thought while I have a few minutes to myself, I’d do something other than a chore…and still aim to be in bed by 10:00. Look at me, a party animal in my old age!

J has taken swimming lessons a few times, but these pictures are from January of 2011. She was sooo little!

mr fishy

Finding a swimming lesson time that wasn’t during the day on a week day or multiple afternoons a week was tricky. The weekend lessons fill up quickly, but we managed to find a pool (one of the cooler, therefore less desirable for little kids) that had lessons that weren’t at nap time (or the crack of dawn) on a Saturday.

swimming with daddy

Most weeks, Alex took J and they had a blast. I usually sat in the bleachers and watched, although I did go in with her a few times. The rest of her lessons were at the same pool on a weekday afternoon – I’d pick her up at daycare and head straight to the pool. She would sleep really well those nights!

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