Friday, October 19, 2012

Thailand - Eastern Yellow Robin

Postcard from amileygirl from Thailand

Thursday, October 18, 2012

USA - Tennessee - Mailbox

Postcard from ShinyPenny from Tennessee

Description: This is her mailbox where she sends and receives all of her postcards!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pippi, bunnies and a train: Germany, Belarus and Belgium

Postcard from BirgitLay from Germany

Description: Inger Nilsson als Pippi Langstrumpf vor der Villa Kunterbunt, 1969
Translation: Inger Nilsson as Pippi Longstocking before Villa Kunterbunt, 1969

Postcard from AppleMe from Belarus.

We just got another card like this one two days ago - they're cute!

Postcard from Fairy11 from Belgium

Description: A German steam train made in 1917

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Finland and Russia: Artifacts


Postcard from leejanns from Finland

Description: Benz 1894
1-Cylinder engince, 2 l. cap. Mounted horizontal. Two-speed gear box with belts and pulleys.


Postcard from Tasie from Russia

Description: Peterhof. The Lower Park. The Danald Fountain. Architect A. Stakenschneider (1854). Scultptor I. Vitali (after Ch. Rauch's original)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Russia and Belarus: Bunnies


Postcard from Flowers05 from Russia

Description: Small Hare in the Bag/ Photo by Victoriya May


Postcard from Oase from Belarus

Friday, October 12, 2012

USA and Italy: works of art


Postcard from carolreader from Ohio, USA

Description: Tiffany Studios. Window; "Landscape with a Greek Temple," c. 1900
Glass, h 227.3 cm (89 1/2 in.), w. 114.3 xm (45 in.) unframed
The Cleveland Museum of Art,
Gift of Mrs. Robert M. Fallon, 1966.432


Postcard from LIMC from Italy

Description: Princesse Sheherazade
d'après l'album Princesses du monde de Misstigri et Katell Goyer
Éditions Auzou

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Russian Cat Cuddles


Postcard from Daphna_from_Edem from Russia

Description: Sleeping Hour