Just before I went on holiday, I was chatting with my friend Josephine from Lebanon. She was not impressed that she had not been mentioned on my blog and asked if I'd write something about her...of course I said yes. I kept meaning to write a Josephine story, but it was busy in k-town...
So, here I am...and as I write this, I really hope she's okay. I haven't heard from her since our chat.
I met Josephine, aka Zouzou, my very first day at Pax Lodge. She was among those who thought I was crazy for ordering tea at the pub my very first night in London (I didn't think it was soooooo crazy...I'd only been awake for 36 hours and you're not supposed to drink beer until you've been awake for 37, right?).
She was then the oh-so-lucky person who got to train severely jetlagged me for two days. Zouzou was so excited that I could understand French that she spoke to me in a (somewhat interesting) mix of French and English (her emails and our chats are still like that).
After five short days at Pax Lodge, we congregated in the foyer and sang the Pax Lodge song as Zouzou and Greta left us...that monthly gathering came to be an important event for every HA/staff member who wandered through the Pax Lodge doors...but that's another story....
A year and a half later, Zouzou came waltzing back through the doors...this time for the 10th Anniversary of Pax Lodge. We had a great time catching up - Vibeke had also worked with Zouzou and Paula got to know her quite quickly.

Return visits of former HAs and staff require at least one visit to the local pub, so we had to make ourselves comfortable at the Rat and Parrot and the Garden Gate...

After Zouzou returned to Lebanon she hatched this crazy idea of trying to visit every member country of
WAGGGS and if that wasn't possible, at least visits as many countries in each region as she could.
Sometimes Zouzou has the craziest ideas, but somehow she made this one work. She travelled around the world, visited many of our friends from Pax Lodge and made many new friends along the way. Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to meet up when she hit Canada as her itinerary took her to Montréal.
Zouzou is still one of the most enthusiastic members of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts I know. Her enthusiasm and excitement about her organization are incredible...
So Zouzou, here you are...a story about you and some pictures too. I hope that you and your family are safe and I'm thinking about you. (If you read this, leave a comment so we know you're okay)