So, when we heard Raffi was coming to town, we decided we better get ourselves some tickets. So that we would not have an overtired little lady, we didn’t tell her she was going until after nap time the day of the concert.
Seated two rows in front of us were Alex’s brother, niece and dad…it turned into a real family day out (we did know they were coming too, we just didn’t know how close our seats were to each other)
J had a blast – she loved singing along and we kept losing her in the crowd of groupies pushing up against the stage and dancing in the aisles.
J's only complaints about the concert were that it wasn’t long enough and that something happened to Raffi – he was older than in her DVD! Oh, and he had a chair on stage, but he stood for the whole concert. Apparently he should have taken a seat or removed the chair!
The concert was awesome for the parents too – many of the adults in the audience were raised on Raffi and there were at least as many grown ups singing as kids (possibly more)! Raffi even played a special extra verse for the Beluga Grads…“Grown-up beluga, oh, grown-up beluga, sing a song of peace, sing with all your friends, we need to hear you”…it is a beautiful addition to an old favourite!
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