Monday, January 14, 2013

Less than six months to go

Ack…my 101 in 1001 expires on June 11. That’s less than 6 months away and there are some big things happening in our lives between now and then.

I figured it was time for an update (mostly for me to figure out where I stand with this challenge). I have 42 things that are not crossed off…that’s a lot…but, some of them are in progress, so I just have to finish them and some are fairly simple to do, I just have to do them. I think I’ll get most of them done – two things are going to make a few of them tricky – being pregnant and possibly moving in the next 6 months, but I’ll do what I can.

On top of the 42 not quite complete items, I have 27 things to blog about or finish blogging about. That’s a lot of work ahead of me. So if I ever complain I have nothing to do or nothing to write about, someone should remind me about this list!

Is anyone else still doing their 101 list??

Things I have left to do:

1. Fit back into pre-tumble down the stairs clothes – not sure if this will happen considering I’m pregnant right now…but it might. Baby is due in April, but I doubt I’ll be back down there in six weeks.

3. Have a sisters' day without J

5. Sort out all of my clothes and take the ones I'm never going to wear again or that don't fit to charity (or toss if they're in bad shape) – this is definitely in progress, but it’s hard right now (see #1 – pregnant)

6. Buy nothing for a week [exceptions: emergencies, non-negotiable bills (ie heating, mortgage)]

10. Really reconnect with an old friend – I haven’t decided if this is in progress or done or neither

13. Weigh less on day 1001 than on day 1 – unlike #1, this will likely actually happen.

14. Complete a full crossword puzzle

19. Go on 10 "adventures" – this is partly done. It might be all done, but I haven’t blogged about it. I need to check.

21. Do an insurance inventory of the contents of our home

22. Get our 72 hour emergency kit properly stocked

23. Make photos books for J's first two years

30. Make pizzelle

33. Make dinner from the Best of Bridge cookbook five times [2/5]

35. Make dinner from the Good Housekeeping cookbook five times [2/5]

40. Decide what we're going to put on the clutter collecting wall in the living room and buy it/have it made – I’ve decided, but since we might be moving in the next few months, I might not buy it…it doesn’t make sense to have a fairly custom piece of furniture that won’t necessarily work in a new place

41. Hire a painter to finish painting – this has to get done if we’re going to move

42. Install a back splash in the kitchen – this has to get done if we’re going to move

44. Clear J's closet of the boxes from the move46. Install more shelves in the upstairs storage room

53. Visit at least two of the places in Alex's day trips book [1/2]

55. Watch all the nominees for Best Picture for one year (not necessarily the current year)

61. Host a board game night

63. Go to Seattle on the train – likely not going to happen…pregnant+no passport=no trips across the border

64. Have a mini-reunion with some of my HPA friends – likely not going to happen…pregnant+no passport=no trips across the border, so unless they come to see me…

65. Go to Portland – likely not going to happen…pregnant+no passport=no trips across the border

69. Spend at least one night away from both Alex and J – we’ll see…see pregnant reason above

71. Sew those secret Christmas presents for those specific people (yeah, yeah, I'll elaborate later)

73. Blog about each one of the 101 things – still in progress since I’m not done yet!

74. Answer "50 questions that will free your mind"

76. Send a special thank you letter just because

79. Make a list of 101 beautiful things in my life

81. Put wedding photos in an album

82. Put honeymoon photos in an album

83. Put UK2009 trip photos in an album

84. Write and mail (ON TIME) 12 birthday cards in a 12 month period [11/12]

85. Choose a month from the 26 things photography scavenger hunt archive and do the scavenger hunt

86. Do a photographic day in the life (one photo for every waking hour)

87. Write in my real live paper journal at least once a week for three months

95. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find

96. Put change in someone's expired parking meter

97. Pay for a stranger's meal/coffee/purchase

100. Put $5 in a special savings account for every item I cross off this list [59/101 saved]

101. If day 1001 comes and there are still items left, donate $20 per item to a charity that is relevant to our lives at that time

101.1 Have a new list of 101 things ready by day 1001 (containing anything that didn't get done this time!) – I’ve already started!

Things I need to blog about:

2. Enroll J in swimming lessons before she turns 3 – um yeah…this happened two years ago…

16. Update address book – umm…I did this over a year ago

17. Set J's room up with a kid sized table and chairs for reading, puzzles and colouring

24. Take J to a farmer's market

26. Write 10 thank you cards with J

32. Make dinner from the Jamie Oliver cookbook every night for a week five times

43. Fix the grout in the shower

45. Sort out the basement storage and get rid of anything we haven't used for a year

49. Get area rugs for living room and dining room

50. Declutter 101 items to toss, give away, sell on craigslist or give to charity - they're all here [280/101]

51. Finish J's bathroom - wall art, towel rack etc.

54. Go to a movie with Alex

56. Ask five people to recommend one book and read that book. Even if it's not a book I think I'll enjoy

57. Get an iPod and load all of our CDs onto it

58. Sort out our books and give the ones we're not interested in or won't read again to charity

59. Have three dinner parties [3/3]

67. Take a holiday with Alex only

77. Get the postcard section of the blog up to date

78. Send at least five postcards a month for three months using Postcrossing [3/3]

80. Send a secret to PostSecret

88. Take a risk and take on a BIG challenge that is outside my comfort zone on the next project at work

89. Take at least one course that will help me do my job better

91. Find a new position within Guiding

92. Clear my personal email inbox - home and work

93. Once clear, maintain clear status for a week

94. Once maintained for a week, maintain for at least another month

99. Surprise someone with a care package

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