Five and a half years ago we opened this door and started a new chapter of our life that would see our family grow from two to four.
I was hugely pregnant with J and this was the place that would be her first home. By the middle of that day, our place looked like this:
But even so we hosted our first dinner. My awesome parents were here to help us move and we got the apartment cleaned and sorted enough to have company. Luckily we didn't have to do anything for amazing aunt and uncle brought dinner, dishes, cutlery and a lot of laughter which was great after a really long day. We had a one hour window between when we could get into our new home and when we had to be out of the ghetto Pink Palace. Thank goodness for excellent helpers!
Less than three weeks later, before we were fully unpacked, this little lady made a dramatic entrance into our lives and the Lyons' Den became home to a family of three.
We had lots of fun, celebrated some birthdays and Christmases and then, last April, this happened.
And we made do in the Lyons' Den we had outgrown a year or two before for another nine looked like this for a while
(seriously, what family with two small children can sustain this for an extended period of time?)
Today, our little Lyons' Den looks like this...
much like it did on that hot summer's day five and a half years ago. We made a few changes and a lot of memories. And now our keys belong to another family, also starting a new chapter in their lives. There were a few tears and one emotionally torn five year old went around to each room to say goodbye and I love you. She kissed all the walls and each window and door in her special green room.
And then the chapter ended.
And our next chapter? Well, it begins here:
Goodbye Lyons' Den. You were good to us and we'll miss you, but we are very excited to see what this next chapter brings!
Congratulations on the move!