Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day

Apostrophe debate:

Mother's Day
Mothers' Day
Mothers's Day

Personally I can't decide between the first two. The third one is technically correct, but it looks gross. Sounds the same as the other two and means the same as the second one, but looks horrible.

The day in question was yesterday. Being the slow poke that I am, I didn't get my Mom's card or my Grandma's card in the mail in time. And then, as if to prove I'm a total slow poke and I can't remember my own mother, the phone rang and my Mom called ME on Mother's Day. She had just talked to my Grandma and knowing that I was going to visit the family matriarch over the long weekend and she had something she had to tell me right away before she forgot it (must have been really important since I seem to have forgotten it already too!)...

I have decided my Mom is great. Well, I knew that a long time ago, for a while I figured she knew everything about everything. I'd ask a question "Why..." and she'd answer "Because..." and one day she realized I did think she knew everything, but that I also thought the answer to everything was Because. My brain did not compute what came after. Then I was a teenager and well, teenaged girls and mom aren't always the most fun combination. But now, I'm kind of grown up some days and I sort of still think my Mom knows everything. Cause really, who do I call when I need Mom (or my Dad, cause he also knows everything).

After the phone call from my Mom, we spent the day with Alex's mom and grandma (and brother and dad, but it wasn't *their* day). It was a really nice afternoon and a nice dinner.

Maybe next year I won't be a slow poke and my Mom will get her card on time. Or maybe next year we might be able to have dinner with my Mom on Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day (a day late...see, SLOW POKE) to the mommies out there...

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