Friday, March 27, 2009

Where did I go?

I get my blog back and then I vanish. Well sort of. I didn't vanish, I just quit publishing on the internet for the better part of a month. It's been a crazy month and by crazy I don't mean busy. I mean crazy.

But the month is almost over and I hope that April will be a better month. Not that there was anything I could do to make any of the ugh that was March go away. Three years ago I started this blog and I never would have imagined I'd still be at it three years later! At the end of March that year I was also looking forward to April, and surprisingly while some of those reasons no longer apply today, a good number of them do!.

Back then I was excited for April for these reasons (apparently I'd just learned how to change font colour or something!):
1. in the words of my very intelligent sister: punk come to vangroovy (I think she sounds like she's imitating a muppet...Elmo or Animal or someone...)
2. punk come to vangroovy to celebrate her champagne birthday (and Kelsey's too)
3. easter
4. road trip to Kelowna with Kelsey and Alex
5. cherry blossoms at UBC
6. Champagne Birthday Party for Kelsey and Rebecca
7. we're going to a wedding
8. dessert with the Mulvis tonight...okay, so not officially April, but it still counts cause it's Friday and tomorrow is April
9. April Fools

1. punk lives here now
2. you can only have a champagne birthday once in your lifetime, but there will be a birthday at the end of April for Rebecca and Kelsey
3. Easter is in two weeks
4. no road trip this April, although a trip to the grocery store (8 blocks) can feel like a road trip if you take the baby along
5. I bet they're still there, but I'm not
6. Some kind of birthday party for Kelsey and Rebecca (I must have been super excited for this since it's there twice)
7. no wedding
8. it's not April and I'm going to have dinner (so probably also dessert) with the Mulvis tonight...
9. April Fools. Yes it will be happening. No, I'm not looking forward to it.

I have some lofty goals for April...I hope I get to them all
1. Paint the storage room
2. Put shelves in the storage room
3. Buy a deep freeze and install in the storage room
4. Get rid of the mountain of laundry
5. Get rid of the boxes that are still not unpacked
6. Walk 70,000 steps/week...

That's it. The laundry alone could take 35 days to do, so I might be out of luck!

Okay, I'm back. That was boring. There's a baby chattering from her bed, so I have to go now.

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