Saturday, March 17, 2007

Roadtrip to IKEA

We decided the perfect way to spend a dreary, wet Saturday was to pile into the car, go to IKEA, have hot dogs and ice cream for lunch and then buy stuff. So that's what we did today.

ikea haul
We went with a list and I only put two extra things in the buggy...a picture frame to immortalize baby Alice and a coffee butler, something I've been promising Alex I'd buy for weeks. Not bad, not bad at all since IKEA usually lends itself to impulse buying. On our list was a kitchen cart to hold the microwave we're going to purchase tomorrow so that we don't lose any of our scarce and coveted counter space. I don't know if Kelsey stuck to her list, but she got some cool pillows for her new digs.

Check out the twin expressions...not sure if they're "I'm done with IKEA, let's go home" expressions or "Shannon, put that dang camera away" expressions, but they match!

alex is ready to leave IKEA
kelsey is ready to leave IKEA too
PS See the nasty rain hitting the car windows.


  1. EWWWW...I look like I just pooped my pants...Uh oh somebody's just had an accident...
