Thursday, June 05, 2008

Changing up the meal plan

Alex and I have started making a meal plan. Which means we plan out our menu for a couple of weeks. We have a handy calendar that we've put up inside one of the kitchen cupboards (thank you cellular telephone provider for thinking we need multiple calendars in our household) and we write down lunches and dinners. We don't stick to it exactly because sometimes recipes make more or less than we thought they would or we decide to eat out (which happens way less now that we have a "plan"), but it's a good guide and makes grocery shopping much easier.

But we were getting bored. We were eating essentially the same things on about a three week we decided to make each week a cookbook week. We got three or four yummy cookbooks as wedding gifts and I have another four or so that are great, but we rarely use them. Rarely as in I have made maybe four recipes out of each cookbook and maybe one or two of those I make regularly.

Our first week was supposed to be Rebar week, but it's been a tad busy around the pink palace what with some major editing I've been ignoring, the hunt, and life in general. I made two recipes from the Rebar cookbook though - the Bombay Roll-ups and the Chocolate Chip Cookies. I know cookies don't count as a meal, but boy are these ones yummy. We decided (well, me since I do the cooking) that while many of the Rebar recipes look yummy, a lot of them are just a bit too time consuming or have too many strange ingredients to make on a "school night." We also love the spring pasta (I don't know if that's what it's called - the one with asparagus, spinach and vodka) and the green rice. LOVE GREEN RICE.

So we supplemented this week with the Moosewood cookbook and Alex happily ate spinach and rice casserole. Rice seems to be a theme in our lives right now...

Anyway, next week will be another cookbook - maybe something that is a bit more "school night" friendly...

But those Rebar cookies, they really are spectacular. You know.

That's all.

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