Tuesday, June 03, 2008

More about Project 365

I've been finding it harder lately to get my picture taken every day and I'm not sure why...partly I think because we now live in an apartment and I don't go outside as much (I have just noticed this...) and the apartment doesn't have as many cool features as the blue house did. Anyway, I've decided that maybe having a weekly theme might help me take pictures every day. So, this is where I'm asking for your help...I need some themes. Please leave suggestions in the comments and as time goes by I will make my way through them. I am hoping that maybe a theme will convince me to post the pictures every day instead once a week or so when I decide it's time to empty my memory card...Anyway, suggestions, pretty please!

Cross posted at Nanny Shanny's Project 365


  1. you could take a picture of your dinner everyday

  2. 1- the food you eat for the week
    2- what shoes you wear every day for a week
    3- the back of the person's head in front of you on the bus on the way to work
    4- a plant a day
    5- a random street/advertising/whatever sign a day
    6- a picture of a picture
    7- an animal a day
    8- the view out your front window at the same time every day for a week

  3. a week of...
    -blue things
    -words (well, one word - per day) - you can even make a small 7 word (again, one per day) sentence. Kinda like magnetic fridge poetry but without magnets or a fridge. ??
    -coffee/tea mugs (cuz i bet you have a lot)

    that's all I got
