Saturday, July 21, 2012

Walking in the forest

19.6 Go on 10 "adventures"

We’ve been letting J pick her own adventures and today we decided that a walk in the forest was the way to go. We decided to head up to the university to park the card and go for a walk in Pacific Spirit Park.

j and daddy strolling

My parking pass is valid in few spots close to some of the entrances to the forest, so we parked the car and walked in.

forest guide

J’s daycare is located on the edge of Pacific Spirit Park and they regularly go for walks on the trails. There are many awesome things about J’s daycare and this is definitely one of them – having a huge forested area as a sort of extension to the play yard and playgrounds around the daycare is pretty cool!

picking huckleberries

J knows which plants are huckleberry bushes and salmonberry bushes, so there was a little tasting as we went (no worries, Mommy can recognize both as well, she double checked before anything went in her mouth)


j in pink

root system

J really wanted her picture taken by this very large root system of a fallen tree. She figured it could be a good hiding place if you could crawl right inside.

it was this big

There was a lot of running around with arms wide open like this. We weren’t sure if it was just because it was so nice to run and have so much space or if she was showing us, “Look guys, here’s where I play while you work.”



peering in

On our way back to the car, we had to pass her old daycare. She peeped in the windows to see if anyone was there to play with (there wasn’t; it’s Saturday after all!)

s and a

Hey look, it’s me. And Alex. Together in the same place at the same time. I don’t know the last time a picture of us together made it onto the blog…with the opposite hours we’re working right now, this doesn’t happen all that often, but we love it when it does.

sweet ending

We ended our adventure with some delicious ice cream. Do you like J’s bangs? Mommy was trimming them and she moved. So they’re a bit shorter and kind of goofier than planned. Good thing hair grows back!

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