Monday, April 10, 2006

Rainy Mondays

Rain and Mondays go well together. If it's going to rain, it should be on a Monday when I have to sit at my desk and work. Rain is good sometimes, but dreary, nasty, Monday rain is only good on a Monday.

Like today.

Definitely a Monday.

I woke up when Ros left the house, except I figured I was totally hallucinating because it definitely wasn't 6:45 yet because my alarm hadn't gone off yet. Which meant it was most certainly before 6:30. Because my alarm GOES OFF at 6:30. EVERY MORNING.

Except today.

Today it didn't go off.

And after I spent a long time having a conversation with myself, convincing my eyes to stay shut because it was before 6:30 and what I heard was most definitely NOT Roslyn, I decided I should at least check the clock. And by then it was 7:00!!!

So I was already behind schedule.

And then I spilled coffee on the first shirt I put on.

And then I got to work to discover I had a somewhat confused boss who I had to run across campus to find because his 10:00 meeting actually isn't until 1:00. I'm sure that somehow that's my's on his daily schedule at 1:00, but I'm going to take the blame for this one because in the back of my head something tells me I had it on his schedule for 10:00 for a while before I noticed that I'd put it in the wrong time slot.

And to top it all off, Roslyn is leaving in two months. I'm excited for her because she gets to go do some really cool travelling - like taking the train to Toronto and doing a tour of Eastern Europe, but it'll be strange to have her go so early. I was prepared for her to leave in October, so I don't think it's really sunk in yet. But she has to do what's best for her - and I'll survive and adapt. We have a lot to cram into those two months...Trivial Pursuit tournament anyone?

But it's all good because:
it's a four day week
it's Easter this weekend
Stacey's making me start at the gym today
there's a Rockets game on Friday night
I'm going to Kelowna for FOUR WHOLE DAYS


  1. mmmmmm...trivial pursuit tournament.

  2. I l-o-v-e KT in the spring.
    Apple blossoms, saskatoons & sunflowers. So pretty and fresh.
