Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Why April is good already...

so...of my nine reasons from Friday why March Madness will lead into April Ataraxia four of them happened already....

1. in the words of my very intelligent sister: punk come to vangroovy (I think she sounds like she's imitating a muppet...Elmo or Animal or someone...)

yay shopping in Vangroovy!!! If you're that hungry, we can get you some real food though...they have that here.

punk in vangroovyand stop eyeing my drink...MINE!!!

we like bellinis5. cherry blossoms at UBC

cherry blossoms
8. dessert with the Mulvis tonight...okay, so not officially April, but it still counts cause it's Friday and tomorrow is April

9. April Fools
Okay, so it's not an April Fools joke, but look at the cute baby pints of beer. DARN IT! Sometimes I wish I wasn't allergic to beer.
kelsey and her baby beers
rebecca and her baby beers

I love April...there's so many more fun things to come too!!!
Champagne Birthday Party
More punk come to vangroovy



  1. get rid of that first picture. i look terrible!

    you are crazy.

  2. that's a lot of beer ladies!
