Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Winners and Prizes...

will be announced on Friday (or maybe Saturday, but before Sunday)

there will be prizes for the most creative, but believable answers too...

and I'll tell you the real answers and some of the fun guesses.

Okay...back to year-end torture - I'm DROWNING in paper


  1. it's only WEDNESDAY!

    slowest week so far

  2. Ok, I don't think I can wait for Friday...or Saturday and definately before Sunday!

    I was drowning in paper too...we sent the books to get bound (yes we send them out now..they look prettier *sigh*)and I look at my desk...I can't believe ALL that paper actually will fit in that little book that will barely be looked at before she comes back to town and tell me what I did wrong oh I hate my job - hee hee
