Thursday, January 06, 2011

Handmade times five (aka Game!)

When I first ventured into the world of blogging, Heddy, who encouraged me be unbored by starting my own blog suggested a few blogs to me for my reading pleasure. One of those blogs was Martini Mom. For the past almost five years (eeep....have I really been blogging that long?!?!) I have been lurking on Martini Mom's blog. I've read about her little boy, who isn't so little anymore, her ex-husband, the dog, the Man, the new baby, the kitchen reno. I've laughed, I've been ticked off for her, I've gotten teary, and I think I've left a comment or two, but for the most part I've lurked (seems sort of strange to me as I type this that I know a fair amount about her life and she doesn't know anything about me...)

But then yesterday she posted a fun little game! and offered to send something handmade to the first five people to comment on her post and suggested that if you're one of her five you might want to play too. I wandered over there first and I'm totally up for playing. I'm going to do the same...first five commenters, I will send you something that I make for you and you'll receive it by the end of 2011.

I figure that gives me 359 days to get my act together and make five homemade things...I have a few thoughts rolling around in my brain right now...

Leave a comment with your email address...and if you're in the top five and you want to play too, well, leave a comment with a link to your "Game!." I'll email you in the next couple of days and collect your address (unless of course I have it already...) and sometime before December 31, you'll get a little package in the mail or left on your doorstep or maybe you'll discover something in your purse...who knows...

And if I don't know you (in real life or in the blog world) and you have a blog, please leave a link to your blog so I can decide what I might like to make for you...

This is going to be fun...

So, if you want something homemade by me, comment away...

PS You don't have to have a blog to comment. You also don't have to do your own giveaway.


  1. Yay! This will be fun. I think. I hope!

    If nothing else, it inspired some unlurking which is delightful. I'm very flattered to hear you've been reading for so long (and had a bit of the same reaction: have I really been blogging that long?!).

  2. Oh, me! Me! ME!

    I'll probably pay it forward but for now, it's late, I'm tired... and a little bit drunk.

  3. Wow, this sounds exciting! Count me in! I'll give you my addy in Feb once I move! I'll have to really think about doing this myself...if I have a full year, I might forget - hahahahahha

    I love how you still blame me for your blogging - har har

  4. Yes please ... count me in ... games are always fun!!!

    I don't have a blog to pay it forward that way, but will certainly look at sending home-made things to people this year ... I have 340 odd days left to think of something

  5. Hey Shannon, don't forget me! I had a blog but I hadn't wrote in it for ever. I went looking for it the other day and it doesn't exist anymore :(
    Anyways, I would love something of yours and in return, I will send you something I make for you/J/Alex xx
