Friday, January 14, 2011

Toddler teeth strike again

When I picked J up yesterday, the daycare teacher who was closest to her kept motioning to me to look at her shoulder. I was very confused. She was covered in marker ink from when she was drawing and I thought she was showing me more markers, except, there was nothing there.

Then she she mouthed "the bite."


This daycare is excellent at making sure parents have a heads up whenever something happens. And I was at my desk all afternoon and neither my desk phone nor my cell phone had rung without me answering it...


Then the teacher who was going to call me came over and apologized for not getting to me before I left the office.

I braced myself for a repeat of the last few times there has been a daycare incident. J talked and talked and talked about it. J's behaviour took a dramatic turn for the worse. J wouldn't go to bed and when she finally did, she slept horribly.

But this time turned out to be completely different!

J didn't even mention it to me when I got to daycare. She didn't mention it to Alex when we got home. She mentioned only once before bed time. She was a little more cuddly than usual, but we had a very pleasant night and she even put her toys away in her bedroom without me asking her to. She talked to herself for a long time before falling asleep, but there was not much calling for mommy and she didn't wake up once last night...

Why the differences? Well, it turned out not to be daycare-kid, but another child who got frustrated. Yeah, J got bitten and yeah, it left a mark (again through three layers of clothing), but they talked it out and it was all good.

I didn't know who the culprit was this time. When this was happening in the fall, I would walk in and J would starting yelling, "Mommy, daycare-kid hit/bit/pinched me." But not this time. I did find out who it was though as the other child's parents arrived just as I was done talking to the teacher.

Unlike the first time, this time both parents (because they both happened to be there for pick up) came and apologized to me and to J. They asked their child to apologize to J again and told us they'd be talking about it tonight. When we got in the car, J told me, "It's okay Mommy, insert name here is still my friend."

Totally opposite to the first time and the other child. But now, while I don't like it to happen, I know it's going to happen, so I try not to let it bother me. I said that to the other mom and she agreed with me but she said it still makes her feel horrible that her kid is the one who did the biting. I totally get that. If J was biting I'd be upset too. This was a one time thing I think. This child has amazing vocabulary and I think it was just a case of too much frustration for a 2 1/2 year old to handle!

Oh J's daycare, I love you! I'm so happy my kid gets to go somewhere safe, where the teachers care so much...

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