Thursday, February 03, 2011

Why Google Reader is trying to throw me off the GAPS diet...

Okay, fine, the only person who can do that is me.

But, Google Reader is doing a great job at taunting me with food I can't have right now. (Okay, fine. Again. I put those blogs there. So it's me doing it to me.) I've started making a long list of links to recipes that look delicious so when I'm done with GAPS I'll be able to find them.

I'm starting to feel like I'm done with this diet. It's been a frustrating month as we've had lots of opportunities to socialize and I've many people just don't get why I'm eating the way I am right now and don't care to listen to find out. If I had a dollar for the number of times I've heard the line "It won't kill you" I could take Alex out for a really, really nice meal with really, really good wine and not even blink. (Some people have been known to say that line ten or twelve times in a five minute span)


I get to start slowly returning to "normal" food at the end of the month...

Besides all the things I mentioned a month into the diet - less fatigue, fewer headaches, finally some weight loss - I think me being on this diet has changed how we eat as a family. We rarely eat prepackaged food, but that has decreased even more on this diet. We don't eat out a lot anymore, but even that has decreased. I spend more time reading labels - I've stopped buying flavoured yogurt for Alex and J (J LOVES helping to make her yogurt) because of the sugar content - and we often leave the grocery store with bags of produce, meat and dairy only. I think our grocery bill will go back down (it gets scary high right now) because I won't be eating meat/meat broth every single meal or even every single day. Although, thanks to my new Tupperware, we actually came in under budget two weeks ago...more about that in another post.

And I decided my project for the weekend is to try making yogurt. I'm excited. We'll see how it goes...

And until the end of February, I will just continue to have dreams about pancakes and sourdough bread and macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes and hot chocolate and sweet potatoes and hummus. Seriously. I am dreaming about those things. Almost every night.


  1. I'm always thinking about food! Yay, you are almost done! Congrats

  2. I know...remember that Mr. Dink party we went to? Strategic positioning near the food table ;)'s been an interesting few months...
