Friday, May 05, 2006

census time's census year. The big bad package came in the mail to be completed by May 16.

And there are some interesting questions on how many hours you spend doing household chores in a week...eye opener! It really is! I counted and I can't believe it's 15-29...that's a few hours a day (it's actually not as bad as it seems because you're supposed to:

"...Report all time spent on each activity, even if two or more activities took place at the same time."

So multitasking gets double/triple/quadruple counted...but even still, I'd be in that same bracket...imagine what happens if you have kids and you're a super multitasker - I bet you'd get to fill in the 60 hours or more...which just seems like so much...and there's a separate questions for hours of unpaid child care you do in a week!

Good thing there isn't a question about daydreaming...


  1. wow, those questions weren't in the package i received.

    take a look at this:

  2. aww, I only got the basic boring census: name/age/marital status. I love filling out surveys! Can we trade?! What else did they ask?

  3. PUNK: Thanks for the fascinating link. At the very least their creative suggestions for 'minimum co-operation' totally cracked me up!
