J's little buddy Inara came over to play this morning while her mommy and daddy do some much needed pre-baby stocking of the pantry and supply cupboards at her house. Her mom is due to have baby number two pretty much any second.
Anyway, I figured I'd give them a break (Inara's mom looked after J for the first six or so months after I went back to work, before she went back to work and we shared our super nanny) this weekend since it was just us girls.
I hadn't exactly planned on the torrential downpour this morning though and unfortunately the tires on the stroller are a little too flat for one kid, let alone two, so when Sharla said they were going to head out and do some shopping (and walking to get this baby moving) and they'd drop Inara off, I was quite happy. The rain has meant no trip outside yet though.
But, after playing very well together this morning, colouring a bit, eating almost every scrap of food in my house for lunch, and colouring a bit more, I told both girls to pick out a couple of stories and then it was nap time.
We read the stories. I put Inara to bed in my bathroom (don't ask...our house isn't very big!) and J to bed in her crib, I went out into the living room and waited for the yelling. None.
I told both of them as I put them down that they had to be quiet because the other one was sleeping and that seemed to do the trick.
I was totally impressed!
And I've used my down time to get our grocery list sorted so that when Inara goes home, J and I can go get groceries. That's really the only thing I'm not looking forward to this weekend - getting groceries with J. Oh well. If I get enough to see us through Monday night dinner, Alex is working almost normal shifts this week, so I can grocery shop at night if I have to!
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