Today is Canada Day…J hasn’t quite got the connection between the anthem, the country and the flag sorted out, but she got the gist of it. She loves all things decorated with the Maple Leaf. She’s very patriotic for someone who isn’t even three yet!
Our first stop was at the tattoo station where we both got tattoos on our cheeks and she would probably have had the guy put the Maple Leaf on every visible piece of skin. She left with three – one on each hand as well. She insisted on no bath tonight so that she could show her tattoos to my parents tomorrow. But there will be a bath tomorrow night.
Then we stopped and listened to some Jazz Festival jazz and watched the throngs of people doing their thing. We bypassed the playground because it looked more like a crumb that had attracted a colony of ants than somewhere kids would find remotely enjoyable.
We walked past the face painting without J registering what it was (there happened to be a very long line up too). And the we went for gelato.
It’s hard to see in this picture, but the line up is really long. Alex went in for our treats and J and I waited.
J found some flags and sang O Canada for anyone interested in hearing a toddler’s version of O Canada. And then Alex came back with the gelato. The line up was surprisingly fast.
If you’re on Facebook with me, you might have seen my status a few weeks ago about sending Alex out to get Smarties to decorate a cake and he returned with two pounds of Smarties.
Well. I specified flavour and cup over cone, but apparently I should also have asked for ONE scoop.
THREE scoops. It was yummy, but wow was I full…
J quite liked her strawberry ice cream…although it was a bit chilly down by the water.
Happy Canada Day fellow Canadians!
That looks like sooooo much fun :)