Tuesday, June 13, 2006

suggestions anyone?

well...now that I finished Middlesex, the other books on my list of started books are holding no real appeal and I'm stuck on what to read next. I made a deal with myself, the infamous book diet, so I have no less than 40 unread books in my house that must (ok, should) be read before I purchase any new books, but I still can't find anything I want to read. I do have a library card and library books are part of the book diet, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm game!

oh...and if you have any suggestions on how to calm a super fluttery, not quite nausea inducing stomach, I'd love to hear those too!!!

and the ever persistent insomnia!


  1. Suggestions on how to calm a super fluttery, not quite nausea inducing stomach....uh.....

    More sleep?

    heh heh

    Is that REALLY what is causing it though? ;)

  2. ummm....in a round about way, yes...but I'm sure that the cause of the insomnia is also the cause of the nausea-like symptoms...oh well...stress flies tomorrow!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO

    I hope I don't sound too excited or too bitter

  3. Oh Poo! I wish I'd know you were book hunting when you were over last night. I so have books to lend you! Next time.
