Wednesday, October 27, 2010

36.8 Try 50 new recipes - Chicken Strips with Yam Fries

Alex has been begging me for chicken strips. We've been trying to eat as healthy as we can so I really didn't want to buy a box of chicken strips. I have been looking for a recipe for a while and I ended up making one up based on a bunch of recipes.

We decided yam fries would work really well with chicken strips so I sliced up some yams, drizzled a bit of olive oil on them, and sprinkled them with salt and tossed them in a hot oven.

Then I made an assembly line of flour with seasoning, egg, and panko crumbs.

assembly line
After all of the chicken was dredged in the spiced flour (I used some chili and cumin), dipped in the egg, and rolled in crumbs, I baked them with the yams.


chicken strips with yam fries
Everyone loved them - J gobbled them down and Alex keeps saying "Make them again!" (Yes, the broccoli and the cauliflower are still J's favourite veggies so they make it to the table many nights of the week!)

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