Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Smooth running

Ever heard of FlyLady? A Guiding friend told me about the 27 fling boogie a few years ago and I went and checked her out. And then forgot about her. And then checked her out again. And then forgot about her...you get the picture?

I couldn't make all of her things work for me.

I hate wearing shoes, especially in the house.

I can't make the bed when I get up, someone is still asleep in it.

I often can't get up 15 minutes before my family because my alarm clock is often a small child, yelling "Mommy! I wake up! Mommy! Come! I wake UP!" And there's no predicting that.

There were lots of can'ts. Then I read One Year To An Organized Life and I realized that hey, there were lots of good things in both books and I could make MY OWN SYSTEM.


What a concept.

So I made my own "Control Journal" but at our house we didn't like that name for it. It made me feel like the journal was controlling us, not that we were using it to control what was going on in our lives.

We call our the kitchen book. Mostly because it lives in the kitchen and we're not all that creative.

I've had a few people ask about it and I've even made up a template because someone I know was so intrigued she wanted her own.

And it makes our life easier.

And since a few more people have asked about it, instead of reeling off the same story over and over and over, I figured I'd blog about it.

But it will take a few posts. Because it's a big thing. If you just want to skip all that, email me and I'll send you the template. Blogger won't let me upload an Excel document.

EDIT: This is the table of contents...I think I'll break the posts down into sections...

the book - table of contentsclick the picture twice to see a nice, clear image (the first click will open a new window, the second click will zoom)

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