Monday, March 21, 2011

The IKEA problem...

Saturday morning arrived and J and I bundled into the car and drove over to pick up my sisters. We were headed for IKEA. We've all learned that you absolutely, positively DO NOT go to IKEA without a list because, watch out, you'll spend more than you bargained for.

So, the three of us, armed with three lists, some coffee, a stroller, and some orange juice walked in, aiming to be out and in the car in less than an hour and a half. Some of us had to go to swimming lessons, some had school work to do, and some had to go to work. More time was not negotiable! My only cheap and fast trip to IKEA was the night before I went to the hospital to have J. We were looking for some shelves for our bedroom and when we got there (even though we checked on line first) some of the shelving wasn't in stock. So we spend less than $5 on a container for our kitchen utensils (yes, it was on the list).

ANYWAY. Between the three of us, we filled up a shopping cart and J pushed a couple of things in her stroller. She wanted to walk and it wasn't busy and we were so proud of her. She "parked" the stroller whenever we needed to stop and didn't run away or pick up things we didn't give to her. I think it helped that we didn't go upstairs, just visited the Marketplace and Self-Serve because we'd done our research before we got there.

I even spent less than I thought I was going to spend.

But my house looks like a tornado came through and I'm blaming IKEA! There's IKEA stuff everywhere. Partly because I'm back to jumping the line trying to organize stuff. But some of the stuff that I actually got assembled and put away looks amazing...stay tuned for a the next few days...maybe...if my house doesn't swallow me first!

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