[Edited: Go visit I'm An Organizing Junkie...she has a giveaway that will help you plan your menu!]
Last week wasn't the best for sticking to the plan...we had way more leftovers from Sunday than expected so we had them for two nights, not just one...and then on Wednesday I used the extra chicken from Sunday to make chicken noodle soup (which I stupidly left on the counter overnight or it would have lasted at least one more day).
Wednesday's chicken meatballs turned into Thursday's turkey meatball soup (see the theme...we had a tiring week which resulted in comfort food) which actually lasted two nights (turkey because it was on sale and chicken wasn't).
Saturday we actually had pasta with red sauce and more meatballs. Yes, this seems to have been soup and meatball week at our house. We had leftovers again last night. Seeing as the meals we didn't eat were either pantry meals or were things I was going to pick up later in the week (salmon and the pork) nothing is getting moved to this week.
If you want to see if other people did a better job at sticking to their meal plans, you can visit Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday and see (I bet most people did a better job than I did!)
So the coming week looks like this:
Monday: Scrambled eggs with mixed beans, toast, and salad (small child has asked for eggs for every meal since we had them for breakfast on Saturday morning. And we're in a big rush on Monday nights, so simple is good)
Tuesday: Honey Chili Chicken (Alex request!)
Wednesday: Pita Tacos (another Alex request - usually when I ask him what he wants to eat, he says one of two things: Whatever you're making is good or Something with chicken (or fish or beef) in it. Not so helpful!)
Thursday: Salmon with new potatoes and vegetables (another small child request)
Friday: Meat and Potatoes Loaf
Saturday: Mushroom and Chicken Pasta AND Mushroom and Artichoke Pasta (we're having a family dinner and some folks are vegetarians, some are not)
Sunday: Mini Pizzas (ANOTHER Alex request...he's on a roll!)
With the exception of Monday's dinner, all of these will give us leftovers for lunch the next day. We likely won't have mini pizzas on Sunday because there will probably be leftovers from Friday and Saturday. But, if we don't eat the pizzas, they'll just be Monday or Tuesday's dinner next week.
That sounds like a really varied weeks worth of food! Would love to know more about the Pita Tacos, I love mexican food but have no idea how to make them, its not a big cuisine in England :(
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'd call them proper Mexican food - the recipe is from a cookbook my mom has from the late seventies/early eighties...but it's yummy!